Save Safe Lending

Save Safe Lending

image of Save Safe Lending

The Federal Government is trying to scrap safe lending laws.
These laws currently prevent lenders from selling unaffordable loans, saddling people with debt they will never be able to escape.

As consumer lawyers and financial counsellors, we know all too well the harm that reckless lending has had – and continues to have – on people across Australia.

We know the stress and anxiety it causes families, and we’ve heard the stories of hardship experienced by people who fall on hard times.
We cannot allow these laws pass and with them, a legacy of consumer harm and financial hardship. Join the campaign to save safe lending laws.


(Photo credit: AAP)

The Federal Government is trying to scrap safe lending laws.
These laws currently prevent lenders from selling unaffordable loans, saddling people with debt they will never be able to escape.

As consumer lawyers and financial counsellors, we know all too well the harm that reckless lending has had – and continues to have – on people across Australia.

We know the stress and anxiety it causes families, and we’ve heard the stories of hardship experienced by people who fall on hard times.
We cannot allow these laws pass and with them, a legacy of consumer harm and financial hardship. Join the campaign to save safe lending laws.


(Photo credit: AAP)

Email your MP

Treasurer Frydenberg's irresponsible lending laws are yet to be introduced in Parliament.

When senators and MPs return to Parliament on 6 October we'll need as many of them to stand up and call out this proposal for what it is – Australia’s Global Financial Crisis moment.

We cannot allow these laws pass and with them, a legacy of consumer harm and financial hardship.

Can you send your MP an email today and ask them to speak out against Treasurer Frydenberg's irresponsible lending laws?

Your email will have more impact if you take a few minutes to personalise it, but we've included some tips to help you.


Compose your email

Email Tips +

  1. Introduce yourself. Say who you are, where you live, and maybe what you do.
  2. State the reason for your email e.g. I’m writing to ask you to speak out against Treasurer Frydenberg's proposal to axe responsible lending laws.
  3. Explain why the issue matters to you. Have you or someone you know been affected you personally? Are you a lawyer or financial counsellor who can speak to the harm experienced by your clients?
  4. Make an ask. Be specific about what you’re asking your MP to do and let them know you would like a response to your email.
  5. Keep it courteous. MP offices receive hundreds of emails every day. Your message will be far more effective if you’re polite.
  6. Send it off. Once you've finished writing your email, click the button to send.
  7. Don’t forget! If you receive a reply from your MP, let us know by emailing [email protected]